Who We Are
Prison Fellowship Malawi (PFM) is a faith based trans-denominational organization, established in 2001, in Malawi and registered locally, under the Trustees Incorporation Act in 2004 and also registered with the NGO Board of Malawi in 2016.
The organisation works with prisoners, women left behind, children of prisoners, ex-prisoners, youths in vulnerable situations and communities in mitigating incidence of crime and its negative impact in our society.

Prison Fellowship has built programs in prisons around the country that are restoring prisoners’ lives, helping their families, and successfully integrating them back into the community—for good.
The Half Way House
There are 15,000 inmates in Malawi prisons who will return home someday. The Half Way House Program is a community based rehabilitation centre working in partnership with Malawi Prisons Service to prepare prisoners for a smooth community re-entry through vocational skills training, psycho-social counselling, mentorship, entrepreneurship and community placement, among other things.
The Child's Journey
The Program rescues children whose parents are in prison from the harsh realities of deprivation, vulnerability and neglect. There are over 14 million children in the world whose parents are in prison. Of these, over 50 thousand are in Malawi. Many of the children are hidden from society living in remote, hard to reach communities and experiencing extreme poverty. These children are among the world’s most forgotten and destitute populations.
The Prisoner's Journey
This is a Prison based Discipleship Program built around the person and character of Jesus Christ, who was betrayed by one of his own, wrongfully arrested, convicted and condemned to death. This is a story inmates can easily relate to and hence, prisoners around the world are invited on an 8 week journey, to discover who Jesus is, Why did He come, and decide what to do there-after.
Public Reading of Scripture
Inmates deepen their understanding of the Bible and cement their newly founded relationship with Jesus through this program. Inmates attend 12 sessions spanning a 12 week period. At every gathering, inmates listen to and reflect on selected chapters of the Holy Word and fellowship through sharing snacks and drinks. Frequent consumption of the word of life which is a catalyst for reformation.
OUR IMPACT in 2022
Prison Fellowship Malawi has been in service for 21 years over which many lives of prisoners, ex prisoners, children of prisoners and their families have been served. Statistics on our impact over the past years are included in each program under what we do section.
Integrated into the society through The Half Way House Program in 2022
Being served through The Child’s Journey Program
Currently participating in the Prisoner’s Journey Program
Currently participating in the Public Reading of Scripture Program
Being involved