THE Half-Way House
Half-Way House (HWH) is one of the proficient programs being run by Prison Fellowship Malawi. It is a community based residential facility that is less secure and restrictive than a prison but provides a more controlled environment than other community correctional program.
From starters, the program was enrolling ex-prisoners until it was gazetted in 2020 by Malawi National Assembly. As of today, it enrolls serving prisoners from different prisons in Malawi. Additionally, the goal of HWH is to provide offenders with temporary period for six months of highly structured and supportive living by enrolling them in TEVET vocation courses namely; tailoring, welding, electrical installation and carpentry in-order for them to be better prepared to function independently in the community upon discharge. On the other hand, it also provides entrepreneurship training and counselling to them. This therefore helps in reducing likelihood of recidivism and improve their lives.
HWH further implies that the offender is a mid-way between jail or prison and the free community. Currently, the program is based in Balaka and it is also used as one way of decongesting Malawi’s prison.
The program has over the years reintegrated 3,621 prisoners into their communities